Today, May 22, 2022, is Craig's birthdate. I have had some of the ashes of Craig and planned to scatter them today. It is a beautiful, summer-like day, especially on the water that Craig loved. I scattered the ashes in Gardiner's Bay, East Hampton, New York, where Craig often sailed, and I with him on occasion. I had two mutual friends with me for the occasion, Ricky and Jeanne Muller, who live in the vicinity of Gerard Point, where we drove today, near their home and also near my home. They also knew Craig in the Springs Presbyterian Church, which is where I met Craig. Craig had also been baptized in Accabonac Creek, which today was on the windward side of Gerard Point. We chose the lee side to scatter the ashes, along Gardiner's Bay.
Photo, of me holding the packet of Craig's ashes.
Photo, of me scattering the ashes.
Photo of the friends who were with me, Ricky and Jeanne Muller.
Photos from Rob
Thanks for sharing how you remembered Craig today. I had a potluck feast and dance party in his honor last night, and it warms the heart to know that people all over are thinking of him on his birthday, too. Happy Birthday, Craig!